For business inquiries,* or anything really,**
contact me via email at contact@lsplash.com
*I'm not hiring, and I'm not looking for any job positions.
**Due to legal reasons, all unsolicited ideas for DOORS are ignored and usually automatically deleted without review.
I'm LightningSplash (usually shortened to LSPLASH), and our dev team is LSPLASH! That's not confusing at all, right?
Glad to hear it!
We make games! I do programming, graphics design, sound design, music production, and some other stuff I probably forgot to list.
However, to be fair, I'm more of a jack of all trades than an expert in any category.
These games are on Roblox, but trust me! The quality of these games are really high... or at least I think so. I think I'm credible. Probably. I don't know.

DOORS is a free roguelite horror game being created by me and Red!
I think most of our 60,000,000+* players would recommend it too!
*Amount of unique players who obtained the achievement for playing at least 10 times.
I strongly recommend playing with as little knowledge of it as possible, and with no help or guide.
Supports 1-4* players!
*can be forced up to 40 for free, but not recommended
RAGDOLL UNIVERSE is a physics-based movement shooter. We've unfortunately had to halt development indefinitely as we're focusing on DOORS, though this game is personally my favorite and I still play it occasionally!
VOCAB HAVOC is basically Wordle but you can battle against others to see who's the fastest guesser.
If you see an account on any platform who seems to be one of the developers on the LSPLASH team, make sure to confirm it's actually them.